Baby Pillows Standards Need to Be Met

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Your baby deserves optimal comfort, and that is what every parent wants for their child. There are so many things that one needs to take into account before buying a baby pillow that it can be pretty stressful at times. Luckily, most countries see how difficult it can be to provide even the simplest of things which is why they have set a standard that companies need to follow to manufacture and sell baby pillows.

If you’re not sure what your country says about standards for a baby pillow, there’s nothing to worry about. I will walk you through everything you need to know so you will already identify what to check off your list in your search for the perfect pillow. Understanding these standards beforehand will ease the process and make you feel more confident in a future or current purchase.

Standards for Baby Pillows:

Just like different countries have different laws, different countries have their own standards for baby pillows. I know how hard it can be to go through multiple websites and look for the perfect one, so I’ve put together a list that will tell you everything no matter where you live.

USA’s Standards:

In the USA, no baby pillows are to be sold if they do not comply with the law, which states all baby pillows’ standards. For baby pillows specifically, it has the following criteria:

  • They must not have a fabric covering that is flexible.
  • The pillow should not be loosely fitted with any granular materials like plastic foam beads.
  • Pillows can’t be sold if they have over 1,000 parts per million of flame-retardant (FR) chemicals (flammable chemicals)
  • They cannot have any restrictive chemicals such as AZO dyes, formaldehyde, or aromatic amine. 

Along with these basic rules and regulations, each baby pillow must be tested by a third-party laboratory through a CPSC-approved testing company. One sample from each batch produced must go through this procedure before they can be sold or exported, and testing costs around $200. All baby pillows must also receive a Children’s Product Certificate or CPC. It is a self-issued document that has all the information about the manufacturer and testing lab on it.

Canada’s Standards:

Canada is highly strict when it comes to baby pillows. It demands the following from all manufacturers and sellers:

  • When the pillow is placed in a crib, it must not allow the passage of a small head probe.
  • It should not contain any hard materials, harmful chemicals, or anything that could result in a sharp edge or point.
  • The flame spread period of a baby pillow must be over seven seconds.
  • The strength and integrity of a pillow much be such that it does not tear or fall apart on applying force. The standard is that it must withstand 24kg of a load that is applied and left for 10 seconds.
  • All instructions and warnings must be displayed in English and French with clear warning labels. Other languages are optional.

When it comes to baby pillow standards, Canada is detailed, straightforward, and makes no exceptions. They also have a strict labeling policy, and these bans and regulations are so intense that civilians are advised to report any offenses or dangers to the authorities.

Germany’s Standards:

Germany follows the General Product Safety Directive (GDSP) when it comes to baby pillows. Manufacturers and importers must do the following to create and sell baby pillows:

  • Create a risk assessment file that includes everything that may need attention
  • Consult a lab testing company for any issues which decide whether lab testing is needed. It is optional to get it tested if the company renders the pillow safe.
  • The pillow must comply with the REACH standards. This is the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals that regulates any chemicals that may be hazardous or can harm human health.
  • All pillows must have a label that includes information regarding the fiber composition, the permanent label, and care instructions in the State’s official language. An additional language such as English is recommended but not mandatory.
  • One sample from each batch of baby pillows must go through a flammability testing laboratory before approval. If they are not approved, the certification of safety is not provided, and they cannot be sold.

These policies usually extend to the entire European Union. However, there may be some alterations depending on the country. That being said, a baby’s health is taken very seriously in Germany so, if any baby pillows have even minor flaws, they are rejected and cannot be sold. Any violation of these laws and standards results in an immediate ban and possible intervention of authorities.

United Kingdom’s Standards:

The United Kingdom’s standards for baby pillows are similar to Germany’s as both of them used to be in the European Union. That being said, UK has had some differences in its standard. Here are UK’s standards for baby pillows:

  • A baby pillow must be tested for any hazards such as harmful chemicals or any harmful materials. This includes restrictive chemicals like AZO dyes, formaldehyde, or aromatic amine.
  • Flammability testing from an approved laboratory is a compulsion.
  • A laboratory must test a baby pillow’s strength, materials, and whether it is safe for babies or not. This standard procedure needs to be passed to begin selling any baby pillow.
  • Pillows must not be stuffed with anything small and loose that can prove to be a choking hazard, such as foam beads.

Other than these, UK still follows everything outlined by the EU.

Australia’s Standards:

Just like other countries, Australia’s standards are also well thought out and provide safety for babies.

  • Pillows must pass mandatory testing at an approved lab.
  • It should not be made of any materials that cause it to flatten quickly.
  • No baby pillow should be marketed in a way to promote babies to sleep in any position other than flat on their backs.
  • They should ideally not be C or V-shaped.
  • No baby pillow can be put up for sale if it has the capability to conform to the face or body of an infant.

Australia is very serious when it comes to the safety of infants, which is why their baby pillow standards have been designed to perfection. You’ll only find what’s safe if you begin searching there.


All countries recognize the need for baby pillows but notice the flaws that some manufacturers may have in an attempt to produce something with little investment. To preserve quality and only provide what is best for our babies, countries including the USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, and many more have come out with standards that must be met for sale and continued production. If you’re looking for an easy way out, try Mobius’s Baby Wedge Pillow or Baby Pillow for Flat Head Syndrome which complies with the standards of all countries.

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