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Can Flat Head Syndrome be Avoided?

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Before anything, it’s best to give you the answer to put your worry to an end. Flat Head Syndrome can definitely be avoided and treated. Some common prevention and treatment methods include a baby pillow, laying the child on their stomach for a bit, changing the position of the head during sleep, or holding them more often. If you’d like a detailed explanation of prevention methods other than baby pillows, you can refer to this article.

Infants are known to be very delicate in every single aspect. This factor extends to their bones and thus their skulls as well. A minor deformity in their skull due to unhealthy sleeping positions results in, what we call, Flat Head Syndrome. It is known by many names, including Infantile flathead, positional plagiocephaly, and baby’s flathead.

Flat Head Syndrome is something that no parent wants for their child. If you happen to be someone with a newborn or a parent expecting a child, you need to know everything about this issue and how it can be avoided. Luckily, I’m always here to help. I’ll guide you through everything you need to know about it, and I’ll explain whether pillows can help or not.

What is Flat Head Syndrome ?

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Flat Head syndrome is a syndrome that can easily occur in a baby. It causes the head to somewhat flatten as the baby tilts their head in one constant position for too long, especially during sleep. As an infant’s bones are still developing at this time, the head may begin to look flat due to this prolonged pressure on the area. This flattening on a baby’s head is known as a flat head syndrome.

How is it Caused?

This syndrome is primarily caused due to a baby’s sleeping position. When a child’s headrests in the same place for too long, it can result in flattening. This may occur through sleep, car seats, carriers, strollers, or anything that either constricts head movement or allows a baby to keep their head in one place for a prolonged time.

Premature babies are at a higher risk of flat head syndrome as their skulls are more delicate. However, flat-headedness can also occur before birth if there is excessive pressure on the head from the mother’s pelvis or a twin.

It may also be caused if your baby has a condition known as torticollis. This is when the baby’s neck muscles are tight and cannot be moved easily. Since moving their heads is hard, babies with torticollis keep their heads in one position most of the time, which causes additional pressure, and thus flat head syndrome.

How to Prevent it?

Most cases are preventative when it comes to infantile flathead syndrome. It can be prevented as long as it hasn’t occurred before birth. To prevent this, the only thing you need to do is to make sure your baby’s head doesn’t stay in one position for too long. Being a parent who has gone through this myself, I can easily say that it isn’t too tricky. It just requires a little extra time and effort. Here are some preventative measures:

  • Invest in a baby pillow.
  • Provide supervised time with the baby on its stomach. Be sure to pay attention to prevent any problems. Never let a baby fall asleep on their stomach.
  • Frequently alter positions in the baby’s crib.
  • Hold your baby more often.
  • Change the position of your baby’s head while it sleeps.

Although these preventative measures seem very simple, they can make a huge difference. These small steps are good enough to safeguard your baby from infantile flathead syndrome.

What do Pillows Do?

Pillows are the easiest and safest ways to prevent flat head syndrome before it occurs and even treats it during the early stages. However, only specific types of pillows will help you combat infantile flatheads. For a pillow to treat a young infant who recently developed infantile flathead syndrome, it must have two main traits. The pillow must be small and not too soft, and there must be a slight depression in the pillow where the affected area of the infant’s head will lie. The angled depression relieves the added pressure constantly being applied to your baby’s head and allows their head to regain its shape in most early cases.

If you’re looking for a pillow that will prevent infantile flathead syndrome, there is research showing that some baby pillows actually help. However, this depends on the way the pillow is made. Some common qualities that a pillow must have to avoid infantile flathead syndrome include the following:

  • The pillow must have a hollow design. This means that there should be a small hold in the middle of the pillow on which the baby’s headrests. This results in even weight distribution across the back of your child’s head.
  • The hollow must be designed at an angle so that the baby’s headrests with ease.
  • The material must be very soft so that no extra pressure is exerted on the child.
  • Make sure it is made out of breathable and hypoallergenic material.

If you’re looking for a pillow that satisfies all these requirements, I recommend the Baby Pillow from Mobius. This pillow is designed according to pediatric standards and it effectively combats an infant’s flat head syndrome. The material used is hypoallergenic while the pillow is certified by international agencies such as the CertiPUR-US. I have been using the Baby Pillow for a while. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction knowing that my baby has extra protection from infantile flathead syndrome, and he sleeps so soundly too!

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The Verdict:

Infantile flathead syndrome is definitely avoidable and even reversible in most cases if we put in the right amount of time and effort and pay extra care and attention. However, it is to be noted that only certain types of baby pillows will work effectively.

Additionally, it is important to understand that although very useful, baby pillows are not the sole solution for infantile flatheads. Other methods to prevent the syndrome, such as picking the baby up more or shifting their head frequently, are just as important. The pillow does provide added protection and further helps prevent it. Still, it is best if you keep attempting the rest of the preventative measures so that your baby is completely protected from infantile flathead syndrome.


Infantile flathead syndrome is quite common, but it can still be scary to delve into something that is unknown, especially matters concerning the health of your child. However, when you understand the causation of any syndrome, it becomes much easier to follow the methods with which they can be avoided. All we need to know is that infantile flathead syndrome is caused due to continuous pressure on an infant’s head, which is what we must avoid. 

Pillows are a great way to help avoid infantile flatheads but remember that other measures must be taken alongside it. I know how stressful it can be raising a child knowing all these issues, but in the end, everything falls into place, and watching them grow up makes it all worth it. 

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